Event registration in Camper helps council staff quickly oversee, validate and manage summer camp, weekend event, and district campout registrations. A single source of truth consolidates events, registrations, rosters, class sign-up, and finances streamlining the administrative overhead.


Event Registration

Product Design, Service Design, UX Research, Development

Autopilot for Event Management

Boy Scout council staff often include only a couple of professionals that oversee hundreds of events each year ranging from 20 person trainings to 5,000 person multi-session summer camps. Camper’s admin experience keeps event management organized and automates busywork through powerful tools, flexible reporting, and intuitive and helpful workflows.


Consolidated camp registration into one source of truth
Reduced manual payments by 55% in the first year
Reduced service center calls by 65% 
Give council staff full control of event customization

Successful Registration Starts with Intuitive Onboarding

Camper walks new users through signup with a conversational onboarding process. How Camper works is embedded in the sign up forms helping orient users in creating their account, adding their unit, and successfully collecting validated data so staff don’t need to worry about data entry. 5 minutes and a new user can be fully onboarded and registered for a simple event with invites sent and payments approved.

Class registration made interactive with clear visuals for quick registration.

Registrations as Living Records

Camper was designed from the start with full summer camp registration capabilities. This included everything from.event options and finances to rosters and class registration. 

Each registration starts with the unit, number of participants, and a deposit payment. As the event develops and additional functionality is unlocked, users can update their registrations. For example, rosters can be created and unit members can be assigned to slots. Participant data can be collected to accomodate everything from shirt sizes and birthdays to insurance details and medical conditions. This data is used to populate reports accessible through Camper At Camp where event staff can plan ahead and prepare for participant needs. 

Finances Simplified

Robust calculation of a complex web of participant fees, options, discounts, and payments come together to build a ledger for each registration broken down to the individual participant’s cost. Registration reports can be generated and printed showing the individual costs for each participant maintaining transparent pricing and biling.

Options, discounts, and fees can be customized to apply to the unit, the individual participants or to particular participant types such as adults vs youth. Payments are collected via a number of payment methods including credit card via PayPal for automated approval to manual check and cash transactions. 

As payments and charges are created and modified through the registration process through the planning and duration of the event, a ledger is maintained and any remaining balance can be collected and overpayment can be refunded. Admin reports can be customized and imported into council financial tracking systems including QuickBooks.

Class Registration

All events support class registration and build on the Acitivity Library in Camper. Start by adding activities such as merit badge classes, trainings, and other activities. Add classes hosted to these activities and assign times, locations, and soft and hard limits for registration. Camper maintains sign up sequences for individual participants to lock classes once they hit a soft limit and maintain an active waitlist function opening up spots as schedules evolve. Costs for classes and supplies can be collected before the event and participants can request that supplies be ready for them when they arrive if supported by the event.

Admin Experience

Staff have access to a full suite of management tools that range from supporting onboarding and user sign up to event configuration. A notification and messaging system keeps track of emails, notifications, and errors and reporting tools including the Report Builder, a customizable interface for crafting data exports. 

Permissions can be customized to give admin access to various events to volunteers and event staff without exposing personal user data and the At Camp feature provides access to a collection of pre-designed PDF and CSV exports for Unit Rosters, Dietary Restrictions, Class Rosters, Birthday lists, Preorder Requests, Merit Badge Cards and Certificates, Check-In, and Financial Invoicing and Billing.