At Camp was the result of a user research project and design sprint with the staff at various camps helping staff gain easy access to registration data for check-in, classes, reporting, and finances.


At Camp

Product Design, Service Design, UX Research, Development

Modern Web App Meets the Mountains

At Camp provided a simple source of truth for registration data that was flexible enough to capture and accomodate changes and provide up to the minute reports on finances, preorders, birthdays, and medical condition reports. Custom reporting functionality allowed users to create forms and PDFs that could be edited on the fly and saved for use in future events.

3 weeks of user discussions helped define needs in a digital workflow for automating many of the workflows and reporting requirements for staff who have little time and training to complete documentation and access reports for thier positions. Staff feedback sessions continued at 4 camps to improve the interface through the first two summers in use so that improvements were in users hands with minimal delay.

The app was packaged for use on mobile devices and setup to cache resources so that only api calls for data were required in high-latency and low bandwidth environments. 


Provide a fast and flexible reporting tool for staff functions.
Lightweight - >2 second load time on dial-up internet. 
Accessible with page readers and old devices.
Automate camp documentation with PDF exports up front.
Intuitive interface with no training requirement for users.