Sean Gordon Wittmeyer

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Modumate - Super Schedule

A major feature update to Modumate 3.7 included the Super Schedule feature - a new way to see accurate quantities of assemblies and parts in a project model.

Other Modumate projects:  Onboarding  |  UI Library  |  Schedules  |  Snapshot  |  Marketplace

My Role

I led the user research and UI/UX design for the schedule feature and the integration of the quantities feature set throughout the Modumate app.

The feature came from a user-sourced list of most requested features and went through the standard discovery and design process before being tested with users and implemented as the Schedules view, assemblies popover, super deliverable and in other interfaces throughout the app.


A key source of value for any 3D modeling software is the accurate quantification of what is in the model. For architects and builders, this can save days and thousands of dollars. Modumate was designed with accuracy in mind, and the Schedules feature made getting this data out easy.

Problem Statement

Estimating the cost of a building is a complicated task given the complexity of what goes into a building. Even in something as simple as a home will have thousands of unique parts, assemblies, and systems. Modumate has an accurate estimation model but there was no way for users to see what was in their projects.

Competitive analysis was conducted looking at what schedules in drawing sets looked like and how they performed, solicited from our customers. We took those problems and pains and looked at modern data table interfaces that customers resonated with. 

Quickly Quantify 

We conducted user interviews with builders and architects to better understand what data was needed and at what point in the project design. We found that they needed accurate quantities that broke down into greater detail as projects progressed. Start with typical wall and window types to start and they custoimize as they dive into the details.

The super schedule was desighed to match this approach. It lists all of the asemblies in use and gives a high level overview of what is in the project and how much. As assemblies are customized and cost, material, and details are entered, the schedule starts to provide extra value. 

Flexible Data Model 

The super schedule uses the same layout to display all types of building parts and assemblies. The design of the flexible table focused on logical groupings of different types of metrics so you can find what you are looking for at a quick glance without a matrix of empty fields in a spreadsheet. When users add new custom fields, they display where you expect them without fussy configuration of the schedule layout.

The schedule is almost always viewed by category (doors, windows, walls, etc) so the data columns line up cleanly and metrics are consistent no matter what view you are looking at. When you open an assemply, you’ll see a listing of all the children parts and assemblies at quick glance with their associated metrics and properties. Simply double-click any property to make a change and the model and all instances are instantly updated.

MVP Implementation and Testing

Initial user feedback was overwhelmingly positive with users looking for ways to export and do more with the data. Comments were added and an export feature to CSV allowed for builders and architects to compliment their existing workflows as they validated the data compared to their manual calculations.

Users also asked for better integration and availability of this data in the modeling interface and as a sharable interface. This lead to the revision of the product roadmap to introduce better telemetry and model data in other parts of the software.

Schedules in the Share Feature

The schedule feature became a cornerstone of the Super Deliverable - a web-based export of the project including drawings, renderings, and basic schedules of doors, windows, and FFE that is typically delivered to clients and consultants. The design utilized the same UI library making for speedy implementation.

Assembly Popover

The schedule feature also led to the creation of the assembly popover. When assemblies are hovered over in the modeling interface of Modumate, the detail popover reports relevant metrics and quantities. This data is pulling from the same feature set powering the schedules.

A simply tree below grouped properties gives an in-depth overview of the assembly and it’s constituent parts. The quantity data from the schedule was also added to the preset section of the properties panel providing access to this data. These features were delivered as a part of the schedules feature.

Other Modumate projects:  Onboarding  |  UI Library  |  Schedules  |  Snapshot  |  Marketplace